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Jan LukasFotografie1935-1984


Jan Lukas
Velikonoční promenáda na 5. Avenue New York City

fotografie / photograph
395 x 297 mm, 1970

Jan Lukas
Z brooklynské promenády New York City

fotografie / photograph
393 x 390 mm, 1974

Jan Lukas
Broom Street New York City

fotografie / photograph
292 x 390 mm, 1969

Jan Lukas
500-Tubas, Rockefeller Center New York City

fotografie / photograph
294 x 394 mm, 1976

Jan Lukas
Gone with the Wind New York City

fotografie / photograph
293 x 394 mm, 1970-79

Jan Lukas
Amsterdam Avenue a 112. ulice New York City

fotografie / photograph
298 x 393 mm, 1979

Jan Lukas
Sekretářka v okně New York City

fotografie / photograph
392 x 295 mm, 1980

Jan Lukas

fotografie / photograph
395 x 292 mm, 1981

Jan Lukas
Jeruzalém (2)

fotografie / photograph
295 x 393 mm, 1981

Jan Lukas
Bourání na Times Square New York City

fotografie / photograph
395 x 295 mm, 1984